Reaching the Unreached Program: As a way to provide doorstep services in Noklak, a district in the Northeastern State of Nagaland, Project Sunshine, in partnership with the Nagaland State AIDS Control Society, planned the launch of the “Health on a Bike – Reaching the Unreached” program where outreach workers will use motor bikes to provide services to vulnerable groups and key populations (e.g., people who inject drugs) who live in difficult-to-reach areas within the district.

A total of 4,223 PLHIV had missed appointments at ART centers in Mumbai during the past year. To check the status of mobile phone numbers in the ART centers’ records, an SMS campaign was undertaken. The SMS message directed the client (PLHIV) to seek treatment assistance by contacting a helpline number. The messages were successfully received by 50% of the mobile numbers and there were a few clients who also called the helpline number, which helped the ART centers update the client’s location and treatment status. Follow up was also conducted through manual calls for the rest of the numbers. This SMS campaign in Mumbai is helpful in tracking the missed appointments to improve retention, lessen the risk of transmission, and reduce mortality and morbidity.

Launching the First Transgender Health and Wellness Center in India

The Transgender Health and Wellness Centre, the first transgender health clinic in India, was launched in Imphal, Manipur on 25 March 2021 at Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Medical Sciences. The center consists of two units – a help desk and a wellness center– that provide holistic healthcare to the transgender community. The center will improve accessibility to HIV services and other related services including psychosocial support and economic empowerment. The center is a joint initiative of I-TECH India, National AIDS Control Organization, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and Manipur State AIDS Control Society, and its implementing partner the Maruploi Foundation. This model will provide insights for scaling up similar differentiated service delivery models with greater sustainability across the country

The COVID -19 pandemic has disrupted public transportation resulting in poor access to HIV treatment and follow-up services, increasing the risk of HIV transmission and opportunistic infections. I-TECH India, in collaboration with Mumbai District AIDS Control Society, launched a mobile van on 20 March 2021 to provide antiretroviral therapy (ART) related services to around 2,000 PLHIV residing in the Mumbai suburbs and the adjoining district of Palghar. The mobile ART van will streamline provision of treatment and other services to clients who are missed, lost-to-follow-up, in active care with pending VL and CD4 counts, and those eligible for transitioning to the recently introduced Dolutegravir (DTG) based regimens in the national program. There were 39 PLHIV who attended the mobile ART camp with 11 of those clients receiving VL tests to assess eligibility for transitioning to DTG-based regimens and 21 who were linked back to treatment services.

       I-TECH India – Newsbuzz For January 2021

  • CME Course on “Forging Ahead with HIV Mitigation Goals in COVID Times”: I-TECH India, in collaboration with the AIDS Society of India and Mumbai Districts AIDS Control Society, organized a continuing medical education (CME) course for 52 private practitioners in Mumbai, called Forging Ahead with HIV Mitigation Goals in COVID Times, that took place on 17 January 2021. The CME course presented current updates in HIV and emphasized the significance of partnering with the private sector for combating the HIV epidemic. The CME course also included discussions about existing health insurance for people living with HIV (PLHIV), recently introduced Dolutegravir-based regimens in the national program, and telemedicine to improve accessibility to treatment services. Experiences from COVID-19 were also shared. The CME course is a step toward private sector engagement, including notification of HIV cases, to strengthen the efforts in the planning and delivery of HIV control and treatment programs.
  • I-TECH India is supporting the National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO), the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, and the Government of India in the implementation of index testing to saturate HIV case finding of all exposed contacts. I-TECH India, in collaboration with NACO, CDC India, and VHS organized a national Training of Trainers (TOT) on Index Testing on 8 January 2021 for 40 trainers of the SAKSHAM project implemented by TISS, Mumbai and the Nodal Officers of Basic Services Division of State AIDS Control Societies from the states of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, and Punjab. The concepts, principles, process, and minimum standards for providing index testing were explained during the training program. This is the first training in a series of national-level trainings planned for the rollout of index testing across India.

Leading National Global and Experts came together to Discuss HIV Response in COVID Hit Fast Track City | Organizations such as MDACS, UNAIDS, CDC, I-TECH India, Aastha Parivaar among others came together to discuss ways to advance HIV response in the era of COVID-19

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I-TECH India – Newsbuzz For December 2020

Webinar on ‘Advancing HIV response for fast track city in times of COVID 19’

In line with the World AIDS Day theme for 2020 “Solidarity and Engagement towards HIV response” I-TECH India in association with Mumbai District AIDS Control Society and Aastha Parivaar (A Federation of Female Sex Worker CBOs) conducted a webinar in Mumbai on ‘Advancing HIV response for fast track city in times of COVID 19’. The webinar was attended by Padmashri Dr. Gangakhedkar, a renowned public health specialist and experts from MDACS, UNAIDS, I-TECH India, Community Members and CSOs. The event enabled a constructive dialogue between members of government, development partners, key population community, academia and civil society. Discussions were held on the national directives on sustaining HIV response during COVID-19, exploring innovative virtual efforts to accelerate HIV response in Mumbai and collaborating on building a community owned action plan with the key stakeholders.

National Webinar On ‘Transgender Health And HIV’

I-TECH India in partnership American Centre New Delhi, India held a national webinar and panel discussion on ‘Transgender Health and HIV’ on 18th December 2020. The panellists for the discussion included experts from National AIDS Control Organisation, CDC India, UNAIDS, Indian Professional Association for Transgender Health (IPATH), C-SHaRP and I-TECH India. The discussion covered topics like a comprehensive approach, importance of mainstreaming and PrEP for Trans People in India. The Facebook live event was well attended and appreciated.

Empowering Adolescents Living with HIV for improved well-being and retention in HIV care.
I-TECH India in association with the Mumbai Districts AIDS Control Society (MDACS) has planned a series of workshops and virtual consultations to empower around 1000 Adolescents Living with HIV (ALHIV) seeking treatment at the Antiretroviral Treatment centres in Mumbai. The initiative aims to address the psychosocial issues of ALHIV and promote mental wellbeing and retention in HIV care. A total of 87 ALHIV participated in the pilot training organised on 01st December 2020 on the event of World AIDS Day. A need assessment was conducted with the parents and caregivers of the ALHIV. The parents were also explained about their role in holistic development of a child. The Facilitators comprise experts working with adolescents and healthcare workers from the Treatment Centres. The training modules will incorporate the intermittent feedback received from participants throughout the process. Peer Educators will be identified from the participants to support the interventions planned for the Adolescents at the Treatment Centres.  The series of workshops are expected to be completed by June 2021.


Demonstrating operational feasibility of ‘Dried Blood Spot (DBS) Viral Load (VL) Testing’ in Northeast India

In India, viral load testing for people living with HIV (PLHIV) is conducted through a Public Private Partnership (PPP) model. Under this model, sample collection (plasma) for testing is held once/twice per week in most of the ART centres. The centres have faced difficulties in mobilizing PLHIV on the designated days for sample collection. This has affected the VL coverage of most of the ART centres and resulted in decreased access to VL testing for the community.

CDC piloted a model in Mizoram and Nagaland states to demonstrate the operational feasibility of ‘Dried Blood Spot (DBS) Viral Load Testing’. I-TECH India team supported the capacity building of the identified HIV prevention, testing and treatment sites on the operational aspects of the model and facilitated DBS sample collection. Once this model is accepted and rolled out by the national program, it will address most of the challenges related to access as the ART centres will be able to collect samples every day as per the convenience of the clients. It will also enable sample collection in the field for difficult-to-reach terrains.



I-TECH India – NewBuzz for Oct 2020

PEPFAR requires minimum standards to be in place, at all sites, and for all personnel involved with offering index testing services. All index testing must meet the WHO’s 5Cs of HIV testing services: consensual, confidential, includes counseling, correct test results and connection to treatment or prevention services. Further, sites offering index testing services must ensure appropriate systems are in place for testing service  providers to identify and respond to clients who disclose their fear of or experience with Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) from named partner(s). COP20 Guidance requires USG and implementing partners to verify compliance with these minimum standards at all PEPFAR supported sites.

Project Sunshine implements Index Testing in 108 sites in North East India and started the process of Red Cap Assessment of these sites in the month of October 2020. The tool was converted to Google Forms and the team was provided training on the process of assessment and the tool. An initial pilot was conducted in 6 sites to assess the time and feasibility of conducting online assessment owing to COVID related travel restrictions. The assessment of all sites is planned to be completed by the second week of November 2020.

I-TECH India – NewBuzz for  Oct 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted public health service delivery including HIV treatment services. Viral Load (VL) testing remains crucial for monitoring PLHIV on ART to ensure reduction in risk of transmission and improvement in the quality of life. Around 1400 PLHIV were due for VL testing in the high prevalent state of Manipur; a priority state for PEPFAR. I-TECH India in close coordination with the State AIDS Control Society (SACS) and various HIV service providers facilitated a 5-day VL testing camp from 21 -25 September 2020 at Social Action and Service Organisation (SASO), a Differentiated Service Delivery CAOC site for Key Population (KP) group. Out of 1400 clients due for VL testing, 473 (33%) were tested during the camp consisting of 91% PWID, 8% MSM and 1% FSW PLHIV. 97% PLHIV were virally suppressed. 108 (23%) PLHIV underwent VL testing for the first time from the start of ART treatment.  Additional three camps were also conducted for the CLHIV (children living with HIV) in care homes and Targeted Intervention sites. This VL testing model shall soon be replicated by National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, in coordination with CDC India to cover the backlog of VL testing in the NorthEast region. This decentralized model of sample collection may also result in enhancing the testing coverage of PLHIV from difficult-to-reach terrains.