Why Choose I-TECH India?

I-TECH India has been working with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India and has been supporting the National AIDS Control Programme for more than two decades in the implementation of HIV prevention and care and treatment interventions through technical monitoring and assistance. We are a pool of experts from the public health domain and have a rich human resource infrastructure. We have been implementing distance learning courses from the University of Washington for more than a decade in India. We offer these well-defined online courses to eligible candidates with a perspective to cover the Indian context of the public health programmes and interventions so that quality of care and service delivery can be strengthened. Weekly live webinars are conducted by our experts and facilitators. Personalized attention is given to each participant for their progress and learning throughout the course.



Learn how to lead organizations and manage people in this course on leadership and management. The course focuses on the practical leadership and management skills required for working in complex local, regional, national and global health environments. By the end of this course, you will develop a clear sense of the issues and challenges associated with leading organizations and managing people. Personal leadership development and practical management skills are both emphasized.


This online course has video lectures, readings, discussion forums, quizzes, and three assignments.

You can participate ain this course as an independent participant or as part of a site with five or more people. We encourage participation as a group because it provides a forum for discussing course concepts and applying them to the local setting and customs. If you can’t join a group, the discussion boards can provide that forum.

The course is taught in English. Participants should be comfortable with written and spoken English.


The course is most useful for health care professionals and public health specialists who have some experience in management and who wish to enhance their skills working with people and other organizational resources. Most case studies, readings, and assignments assume an existing knowledge of the health care system, labor law, and funding landscape in your country. Participants will get the most out of this course if they can apply the concepts and strategies immediately to a work setting, including being in a position to lead meetings, facilitating team development, communicating on behalf of the organization, managing conflicts, analyzing and monitoring management data, supervising and delegating work, and managing some aspects of complex project implementation. The course is less well suited to individuals in entry-level positions in the workforce.

<!–Course registration is open. Book your slot NOW.
Contact us at elearning@itech-india.org for more details



Participants Mailed Certificate* Digital Certificate*
Group Sites (up to 60 participants) only available for non-OCED country sites $999 $999
Individuals $299 $199


* More information about course certificates

Payments may be made by wire transfer, Visa, Mastercard or Discovery credit cards. You will receive instructions to submit payment once you have been accepted into the course. –>

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Why Choose I-TECH India?

I-TECH India has been working with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India and has been supporting the National AIDS Control Programme for more than two decades in the implementation of HIV prevention and care and treatment interventions through technical monitoring and assistance. We are a pool of experts from the public health domain and have a rich human resource infrastructure. We have been implementing distance learning courses from the University of Washington for more than a decade in India. We offer these well-defined online courses to eligible candidates with a perspective to cover the Indian context of the public health programmes and interventions so that quality of care and service delivery can be strengthened. Weekly live webinars are conducted by our experts and facilitators. Personalized attention is given to each participant for their progress and learning throughout the course.



Learn how to lead organizations and manage people in this course on leadership and management. The course focuses on the practical leadership and management skills required for working in complex local, regional, national and global health environments. By the end of this course, you will develop a clear sense of the issues and challenges associated with leading organizations and managing people. Personal leadership development and practical management skills are both emphasized.


This online course has video lectures, readings, discussion forums, quizzes, and three assignments.

You can participate ain this course as an independent participant or as part of a site with five or more people. We encourage participation as a group because it provides a forum for discussing course concepts and applying them to the local setting and customs. If you can’t join a group, the discussion boards can provide that forum.

The course is taught in English. Participants should be comfortable with written and spoken English.


The course is most useful for health care professionals and public health specialists who have some experience in management and who wish to enhance their skills working with people and other organizational resources. Most case studies, readings, and assignments assume an existing knowledge of the health care system, labor law, and funding landscape in your country. Participants will get the most out of this course if they can apply the concepts and strategies immediately to a work setting, including being in a position to lead meetings, facilitating team development, communicating on behalf of the organization, managing conflicts, analyzing and monitoring management data, supervising and delegating work, and managing some aspects of complex project implementation. The course is less well suited to individuals in entry-level positions in the workforce.

Contact us at elearning@itech-india.org for more details



This course provides a global perspective on the diagnoses and clinical management of HIV. Learn from experts in the field, who provide real world examples of diagnosing and treating HIV and STIs in both resource-rich and resource-constrained settings, with a focus on using US-based guidelines. You’ll collaborate with participants from more than 30 other countries in this course.


This online graduate-level course has video lectures, readings, discussion forums, quizzes, and assignments.

The course is primarily offered to sites with five or more participants. A limited number of individuals who aren’t part of a site will be accepted as independent participants only if they can attend the lectures in real time. We encourage participation as a group because it provides a forum for discussing course concepts and applying them to the local setting and customs. If you can’t join a group, the discussion boards can provide that forum.

The course is taught in English. Participants should be comfortable with written and spoken English.

You can participate in one of two ways:

  • A site is a group of participants in the same geographic location (who often work at the same organization or association) that enroll in the course together and connect face-to-face with other learners. Being part of a site helps enhance your learning by bringing the material into your own context.  In order to participate with a site, please review the “site-based participation application” to see if your organization has registered.  send questions to edgh@uw.edu  The site coordinator will be responsibile for managing the site enrollment fee.  Check out the site expectations for more information.
  • You can also take the course as an individual participant.  In this case, there are no physical meetings and all your work is online.  You will still have the opportunity to conenct with other learners via discussion groups and forums.  You’ll be invoiced for your enrollment fee.


Eligible participants include medical students, medical residents, advanced nursing students, pharmacy students, international AIDS, and research training scholars. We welcome other interested clinicians who have a basic skills in taking patient histories, conducting physical exams, and giving differential diagnoses.

UW students

Global Health 573 Clinical Management of HIV is available to eligible graduate students enrolled at the University of Washington in two formats:

The 3-credit, in-person course meets Tuesday mornings at 8:30am-10:20am at the Health Sciences Building at University of Washington Medical Campus. Student in the 3-credit course receive a numerical grade.

The 2-credit online course is available to students across the WWAMI region as well as other eligible students who are unable to participate in-person. The 2-credit course is “credit/no credit”. An add code is required for GH 573 C and can be obtained by emailing edgh@uw.edu. Approval of the instructor and add code is required if you are a Seattle-based student who wishes to take this 2-credit distance course.

Graduate students enrolled at the University of Washington can register for the spring quarter in-person or online course via MyUW.

For a printable version of this page, click here.



So much of your work in global health is project based, whether you’re training healthcare workers implementing an intervention, adopting a health information system or evaluating for quality improvement. Good project management is crucial for the success of these endeavors.

By the end of the Project Management in Global Health course, you’ll learn the fundamentals of project management, including conducting needs assessments, creating planning and implementation documents, managing project resources, transitioning the project to local agencies, and evaluating the project.

Unfortunately, projects don’t always go as planned. Funding may be cut, the scope may grow, priorities may shift, key team members may leave, or a host of other unexpected changes. This course gives practical tips, tools, and techniques for how to address unexpected challenges that inevitably arise. These come from experts from all over the world who have spent years managing global health projects and share lessons they have learned.


This online, graduate-level course has video lectures, case studies, readings, discussion forums, quizzes, and practical assignments. The course is taught in English.

You can participate in this course as an independent participant or as part of a site. We encourage participation as a group because it provides a forum for discussing course concepts and applying them to the local context. If you can’t join a group, the discussion boards can provide that forum.


The course is most useful for public health and healthcare professionals who have some experience in management and who wish to enhance their skills working with people and organizational resources. The course is less well suited to individuals in entry-level positions.



Want to harness the power of data to improve your global health program?  Are you interested in learning to systematically collect and analyze data and apply it to the real world?


Site Groups will be able to register in January and prospective participants will be able to register in February for this brand new online course taught by experienced faculty at the University of Washington.

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is a critical element of any successful health program. M&E enables programs to track and demonstrate progress, as well as diagnose programs to enable better results. Participants who complete this course come away with improved understanding of the necessary tools to develop and implement M&E frameworks for their global health programs.

Course topics include M&E models and frameworks, indicators, design and deployment of M&E plans, quantitative and qualitative data collection, data verification methods, M&E assessment designs, and ethical considerations.  By the end of this course, participants will have the tools to develop an M&E framework tailored to the needs of their particular health program and the knowledge to apply it rigorously in field settings.


Participants engage in video lectures, case studies, readings, discussion forums, quizzes, and practical assignments. This is a graduate-level course taught in English.

This course can be taken independently or as part of a site. Group participation is encouraged to discuss course concepts and apply them to the local context. If you can’t join a group, discussion boards can provide this forum.


The course is aimed toward public health and healthcare professionals. To be admitted to the course you must have a Bachelor’s-level degree or equivalent experience in a health-related field.

Please note that the first offering of the course will be a pilot, thus enrollment is limited. 



In the United States, it’s estimated that it takes an average of 17 years from discovery of an intervention to its implementation at scale. This is called the know-do gap. For interventions outside of the US, this know-do gap is even larger. The goal of implementation science is to close the know-do gap.

In this course, you will learn how to use a systematic, scientific approach to find out what works and translate this information into on-the-ground policies and programs for those who need it. By the end, you will know how to apply high quality evaluation and assessment methods to your health interventions and identify and address the barriers to effective replication and scale-up of evidence-based interventions. The purpose of this course is to provide practical implementation science training for health professionals working in global health settings, particularly low and middle income country settings.

The course has recently been updated and revised, with new lectures and additional case studies developed by implementation science experts at the University of Washington. We have also increased the size of local site groups from 40 to 60 participants.


This online course has video lectures, readings, discussion forums, quizzes, and a final project.

You can participate in this course as an independent participant or as part of a site with five or more people. We encourage participation as a group because it provides a forum for discussing course concepts and applying them to the local setting and customs. If you can’t join a group, the discussion boards can provide that forum.

The course is taught in English. Participants should be comfortable with written and spoken English.


To be admitted to the course you must have a master’s degree in a health-related field or in the social sciences, or equivalent professional experience. Graduate students enrolled at the University of Washington can register for GH 541 Fundamentals of Implementation Science during spring quarter course via MyUW.

Sites can register between July 9-31, and then prospective participants will apply between August 2-22, 2019.



Are you interested in understanding distribution of disease and what factors affect risk of disease? This course gives an in-depth orientation to the field of epidemiology research in a global health context. You’ll get an understanding of how epidemiologic methods are used to understand the distribution of disease within populations and what factors affect the risk of disease. Learn about important epidemiologic concepts, including how to describe disease risk, common study designs, bias and confounding, and the importance of appropriate measurement in epidemiologic research.


This online course has video lectures, readings, discussion forums, quizzes, and three assignments.

You can participate in this course as an independent participant or as part of a local site.

The course is taught in English. Participants should be comfortable with written and spoken English.


To be admitted to the course you must have a Bachelor’s-level degree (or equivalent) and experience in a health-related field. Proficiency in algebra is required.