Technical Assistance for health system strengthening

We work closely with the Care Support and Treatment and Strategic Intervention Division of National AIDS Control Organization (NACO), providing technical support for augmenting the care and treatment services provided through NACP for HIV/AIDS. Over the years, I-TECH India has played a key role in updating and finalising the National Guidelines for HIV Care and Treatment, providing the clinical and technical guidance to Medical officers and other health care workers engaged in HIV/AIDS treatment services. I-TECH India’s Strategic Information (SI) portfolio aims to strengthen the human and institutional capacity in SI management services for high-quality data systems and decision-making through innovative approaches to enhance program improvement and achieve the accelerated reversal of the epidemic.

I-TECH India works with national and state governments and organizations to create robust and well-organized health systems through improved service delivery, capacity building of the health workforce, enhancement of health information systems and data quality. I-TECH India has been engaged in national and regional reviews, contributing to the comprehensive evaluation of healthcare initiatives at the state and facility level.

I-TECH remains the lead partner to the Government of India and the CDC for implementation of HIV/ AIDS care and treatment activities in India.

Technical Resource Group Meeting, NACO (2024)
Technical Resource Group Meeting, NACO (2024)
Technical Resource Group Meeting, NACO (2024)
I-TECH India during World AIDS Day (2023)

Program Planning and Implementation

Clinical Mentoring and Supportive Supervision

I-TECH India provides supportive supervision and on-site mentoring to ART centres staff on technical, programmatic and data related activities, for provision of the quality service delivery for the PLHIV.

Training of Regional Coordinators and Technical Experts, CST, NACO (2017)

Supportive Supervision at Thane, Mumbai (2018)

Team Training of ART centre staff in Delhi (2023)

Differentiated Service Delivery Models

I-TECH India is amongst the first organizations to launch the “Differentiated Care” model of health care in collaboration with National AIDS Control Organisation, across the various Antiretroviral Therapy Centres in Northeast and Maharashtra. Differentiated service delivery, is the client-centred approach that simplifies and adapts HIV services across the cascade to reflect the preferences of clients and provides them with best possible service as per their convenience.

Launch of Differentiated Service Delivery Model in Manipur (2018)

Special Intervention for Key Population

I-TECH India in partnership with the State AIDS Control Society and NACO established the first Transgender Health & Wellness Clinic in the state of Manipur to provide sustainable comprehensive holistic healthcare services to the transgender population.

Launch of Transgender Health and Wellness Centre in Manipur

Reaching the unreached population: Health on bike

I-TECH India launched the ‘health on bike’ intervention in Noklak, Nagaland to reach the unreached and hard-to-reach areas to provide quality HIV care and treatment services to people living with HIV and people with injecting drugs. The services included ART initiation and delivery at PLHIV’s doorstep.

Health on bike
‘health on bike’ intervention in Noklak

Capacity Building and Health Workforce Development

Distance Learning Seminars for capacity building of health care workers

In collaboration with NACO and the Centres of Excellence (CoEs)I-TECH India, launched the flagship program ‘distance learning seminars’ in add the year, much before the onset of distance based online training and practices in India, under any public health programme. These seminars are aimed at knowledge enhancement and capacity building of healthcare providers. Through these live virtual seminars, healthcare professionals across the country receive information on policy and program updates and on recent advancements in patient care, on real time basis.

This initiative has been in operation for over a decade, has successfully reached more than 3.5 lakh healthcare workers.

University of Washington Courses for continuous professional learning

In the rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare, continuous professional development is paramount. In collaboration with the University of Washington, we offer online certificate courses for public health professionals for honing their skills, expanding knowledge, and staying abreast of the latest advancements and innovations.